Live From Your Heart – Confirmation – Introductory MasterClass – NVC

Congratulations! You have successfullly registered for Live From Your Heart. Check your inbox for an email with all the details you’ll need to participate in our LIVE Online Masterclass.

Live From Your Heart
Living from our head supports access to internal voices that can be critical. These self-judgments increase stress, fear, doubt, and even depression. Alternatively, living from our heart supports self-connection, love, clarity about our needs, and connection with others. Come explore ways to live from your heart-especially when under attack.
During this FREE MasterClass, you will learn:

Reduce conflict in your relationships (even with yourself)

Release shame, guilt & depression

Express yourself clearly and authentically

Live from your heart, not your head

Terri Moon
Your facilitator, Terri Moon MS, graduated from the Bay Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Leadership Program in 2005, has taught NVC on four continents around the world, and has facilitated this format regularly since 1996. Terri offers trainings, retreats, mediation, and coaching in person and online, and has offered healing in a variety of forms since 1987.

LIVE MasterClass

For more information about Terri Moon and her services, please visit:

Monday, September 19
Noon PST