Empathic Presence Coaching Sessions

Empathic Presence Coaching Sessions are a combination of empathy (powerful questions that support self-inquiry, values clarification and reflection), and coaching (clarification of action steps that will move you toward your goals).  These sessions are available for individuals who want to find purpose in their lives, meaning in their work, imtimacy in their relationships and satisfaction and joy in each moment. During these sessions, depending upon your goals:

  • You may increase your emotional fluency
  • You may increase connection with ourself and others
  • You may increase intimacy with those you choose to be vulnerable with
  • You may have insights that increase compassion for yourself and others
  • You will receive support to achieve your goals
  • I will hold you accountable to making progress toward your goals
  • We will clarify action steps that will move you toward accomplishing your goals
  • You will learn how to be more comfortable in your own skin
  • You will learn to trust yourself and the wisdom in your body
  • You will learn how to be present in each moment
  • You will learn to turn within for answers, rather than looking outside yourself for them, which will increase your authenticity
  • You will clarify what living in alignment with your values looks like
  • You will discover choices and options you didn’t know you had
  • You will learn how to listen to yourself and others
  • You will learn how to express yourself authentically, from your heart
  • You will have a chance to stand in “the other persons shoes” and increase your compassion
  • I will role-model heart-based communication in any situation you might need it and coach you in using it yourself in that situation (via role-plays)
  • We may clarify your feelings, needs/values, situations, choices
  • I may offer empathy (questions that support self-inquiry, values clarification and reflection)
  • I may support you to hear others differently
  • I may support you in becoming aware of beliefs that are impacting your thoughts and behaviors
  • We may resolve conflicts in relationships
  • We may discover win-win solutions that don’t involve compromise or resentment and that naturally arise when heart-based connection and goodwill exist

Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D. and founder of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), was my mentor from 1996 until his death in 2015.  Marshall said that by using the tools of NVC (doing role-plays and offering empathy) concerns could be resolved in a matter of hours that would have taken years of weekly sessions using his training in Psychology.  I celebrate the effectiveness of this work and the variety of issues that can be addressed using these tools.  

If you are ready to make changes in yoru life, with my support, let’s discuss whether working together is a fit. To schedule your Know and Trust Your Heart Consult, visit my online calendar at www.calendly.com/tmoon and find a time that works for you!